Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Educational Technology Summit 2011

I presented this blog at Southern Oregon's first Educational Technology Summit last week. One of my colleagues, Zinn, also presented her blogs and a Top Ten Reasons to Write a Teaching and Learning Blog. Our audience consisted of teachers, specialists, and university instructors who were interested in blogging as a teaching and learning tool. I started the presentation by following this outline and wanted to share it with my blog audience, so here it it!

The Write Stuff: Classroom Uses of Teaching and Learning Blogs

In this session, interactive discussions will be utilized to examine the various benefits of educational blogging to enhance teaching and learning experiences. The session will also provide an opportunity to examine the challenges of maintaining professionalism while sharing practices in the public sphere of social networking. Participants will learn how to set up a blog and will depart with numerous creative ideas for incorporating blogs into their teaching practice.  

Why Blog?
-To document my teaching story
-To collaborate and share with other teachers
-To share effective teaching strategies
-To share my developing teaching philosophy
-To see if a blog is a useful teaching & learning tool

How to Get Started
-Determine your purpose for blogging. This purpose may morph and change as you write.
-Choose a free blogging platform like,,,
-Consider setting a goal for how often you’ll post
-Start blogging! I suggest introducing yourself and your reason for blogging

-Having a place to unload my ideas, feelings and thoughts about my work
-Allows me to process my experiences
-Encourages me to document my courses through video, photographs, etc.
-Having an interactive place where my students can gain a deeper insight into their teacher
-I may use this blog to assist with future academic endeavors

-Maintaining professionalism while being authentic
-Fear of peer criticism
-Recruiting followers
-No comments or interaction at this point
-Time/blogging weekly

Ideas for the Future
-Incorporate the blog into my courses
-Redefine my purpose- Professional journal of events, happenings, thoughts and ideas?
-Alumni connection through blogging

Next Blogs: Educational Apps, Ed. Tech. Summit, The Classroom as a Gathering of Spirit Part II, more on New Literacies/Media Literacy